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Joie: A Parisian's Guide to Celebrating the Good Life

Joie: A Parisian's Guide to Celebrating the Good Life


In this beautifully photographed volume of everything French, Ajiri Aki shares what she’s learned about living in Paris—from hosting the perfect apéro (happy hour) to lingering around town like a flâneur to thrifting for antiques at the market. While exploring the prettiest cafes and shops, you’ll be inspired to reclaim your right to leisure as the French have, so you, too, can savor the spontaneous, joyful moments that happen every day.

The French are known for their joie de vivre—celebrating the simple things—a philosophy that tastemaker Ajiri Aki embraced all of her American life. As a child, she frequently tried to convince her Nigerian-Jamaican mother to pull out the fine china for everyday meals or when hosting friends and Aki promised herself she would never hesitate to use her own treasured pieces. Moving to Paris as an adult, she began to absorb essential lessons: treat yourself to fresh flowers just because, take time to source the best baguette, and perhaps most importantly, enjoy être—just being.

Ajiri Aki is also the co-author of the New York Times bestseller Where’s Karl? and has worked as a fashion stylist and on exhibitions for the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of the City of New York. Ajiri currently lives in Paris with her husband and two children.

Hardcover. 272 pages.10.25" x  8.25" x 1".

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