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Buffalo China Company for the U.S. Army Medical Corps

Let's take a poll : who likes to go to the doctor's office? Anyone? Anyone?

Just as I suspected...No one.

Now let's just say for the sake of research, the doctor's office served tasty treats on super-cute, official doctor's plates? Tasty treats and savory or sweet snacks all served on special doctor's plates with the official caduceus symbol. 
Plates that by their very design would make whatever was served on them not only taste good, but be good for you too!
NOW who would like to go to the doctor's office? Who would enjoy a visit to the snack-serving doctor? Let's see a show of hands. Okay. My hunch was correct once again: EVERYONE wants to visit the doctor who serves up snacks! 
THIS would be healthcare reform that EVERYONE could get behind. SNACKS FOR EVERYONE! Doctor's orders!😋❤️

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Site By Aeolidia