Vintage Swiss Glacier Goggles

A few years ago, we stumbled on a cache of vintage Swiss Army Blankets in Switzerland. (Where else would you stumble across Swiss Army Blankets?) Long story short, the blankets were a huge hit. We called every dealer we knew to hunt down as many blankets as possible. Unfortunately, as with all things vintage, the supply was limited and before we knew it, they were gone from every military supply depot throughout the tiny country of Switzerland.
The up-side of all that frantic searching however, were a few other unexpected finds. One of which was a small supply of vintage glacier goggles that had been produced in the 1920s and issued to the Swiss military. They were funky for sure, in that end-of-world-as-we-know-it-Mad-Max kind of way, but they were also somehow dashing and romantic. We were certain that when we put a pair on, we looked just like James Bond skiing down the mountainside in On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Of course the glacier goggles are all gone now. Will we ever find them again? Who can tell. ...Never Say Never Again...