Chicago Magazine "The Best of Chicago"

Who doesn't want to be considered "the best" at anything? When you're passionate and work hard at what you do, to be recognized and appreciated for that effort is always an honor. So tickled we were, when in the year 2000 - just 3 years after we first opened our doors, we found ourselves on the pages of Chicago Magazine's annual "Best of" issue. We were under the category of "Best Offbeat Tableware". Offbeat Tableware? For just a split-second, we found ourselves questioning whether that was really a compliment, but as that article brought countless new customers through our door, we said "Thank you kindly, Chicago Magazine!" and wore our Best Offbeat Tableware award like a badge of honor.
"Lake View's P.O.S.H. has assembled an eclectic assortment of silverware, dishes, and linens from such disparate sources as U.S. country clubs, luxury steamship lines, and old European hotels."